2nd Annual Vegas NFR Icons Tribute Luncheon

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  • 2nd Annual Vegas NFR Icons Tribute Luncheon


The 2nd Annual Vegas NFR Icons Tribute Luncheon, honoring Billy Etbauer and Cody Ohl, is set for Friday, December 8 at Virgin Hotels Las Vegas. At the luncheon, we'll go behind the scenes with these legends and hosts Butch Knowles and Jeff Medders. The two announcers are icons themselves as they have been the broadcast team for the NFR for more than 30 years. This is sure to be one of the hottest tickets at this year's NFR. Purchasing a ticket will reserve your seat, or seats, at the luncheon. All seat assignments will be given to you during the check-in process on December 8. The check-in process will start that day at 12:30 pm.

Purchase Tickets Here